ECTS System / Incoming exchange student

The ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) is the system used by universities and "hautes écoles" for mobility. It makes it possible to establish the Learning Agreement between the student, the host institution and the institution of origin, each course being credited with an ECTS value.

As with credits, the ECTS weight of each course is calculated based on the overall volume of work required of the student to achieve the results expected at the end of the learning; it is not limited exclusively to the course attendance hours.

The numerical value from 1 to 60 given to each course expresses the amount of work that the student must provide for this course, taking into account his/her presence during lessons, seminars, and laboratories, as well as internships, research or field investigations, personal work - in the library or at home.  The time required for examinations and other forms of assessment are also taken into account.

ECTS credits allocation

The ECTS credit allocation is based on the student workload estimated to achieve the learning outcomes. At the University of Liège, the number of credits associated with each teaching activity is set by the governing bodies (Academic Council, department, faculty...) responsible for the development of course programmes. These bodies are composed not only of teachers, but also of members of the supervising scientific personnel and student representatives.

To set these credits, the specific modalities of each teaching is taken into account (ex. cathedra, participatory seminars, required readings, assignments, etc.). Are also taken into consideration the educational evaluations that the students are invited to fill out after having followed the course. Finally, the weight of each course must be evaluated in light of the overall curriculum of the training concerned, as well as the place of the teaching within this programme.

Credits are regularly adjusted in order to take into account changes to the content or to the modalities of courses, or even the opinions of students, who express themselves through their delegates or through the Academic Council.

Academic recognition

As part of the ECTS, 60 credits represent the workload of an academic year. As a general rule, 30 credits are equivalent to a term. The use of ECTS credits facilitates the recognition of achievements during periods of study abroad.

The credits are earned after favourable assessment of skills and knowledge acquired. The course programme followed at ULiège is taken up in the Learning Agreement established in line with the departmental coordinator of the university of origin. This Learning Agreement lists the courses followed at ULiège, as well as the number of ECTS credits.

If a change must be made to your Learning Agreement, the coordinator must be notified. No amendment to the Learning Agreement will be validated if it has not been signed by the coordinator in charge.

The ECTS system is founded on the principle of the transparency of results. Thus, at the end of your stay, ULiège will send your transcript (link to the Erasmus version of the transcript) to the departmental coordinator of your home university. Only courses listed in the Learning Agreement will appear on the official transcript. The score distribution table will appear on the back of this document and will also be available on the exams page. The ECTS system recommends comparing the score distribution table of the two institutions in order to convert the results.

The use of these different documents by our institution guarantees you full recognition of your stay.

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