The University of Liège is becoming international through the development of joint programmes, giving rise to a co-organization of curriculum or joint degrees with partner universities.

Relying on quality mobility proposed during the course of each student, ULiège seeks to find with its partners synergies leading to joint degrees. These provide significant added value to the training programmes, as they make it possible to combine study abroad training and increased recognition through the obtention of the partner university degree, granted alongside the ULiège degree.

A plus on the job market!

ULiège also coordinates or participates in Erasmus Mundus programs funded by the European Commission, and is organizing an increasing number of programs taught in foreign languages, mainly English.

ULiège offers different types of international courses:

At Bachelor and Master level :

International co-degrees

programs in foreign languages (English, bilingual French-English, French-German)

Erasmus Mundus Masters

International training for development cooperation

During the doctorate :

Doctoral students can take advantage of several mobility opportunities.

As part of their doctoral training, RISE provides financial support for doctoral students wishing to take part in a seminar or summer-school abroad, provided that this international experience is recognized as part of their doctoral training.


You can also consider co-supervising your thesis with another university, with the aim of obtaining a doctorate from both universities on completion of your doctorate.


As part of the Erasmus+ International Dimension program, ULiège offers mobility grants for ULiège doctoral students wishing to carry out a research stay in one of the eligible institutions outside the European Union.
A call for applications is published at least once a year by the International Relations Department.

updated on 9/5/23

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